Rogue Valley I FRB
Rogue River-Siskiyou National Forest

Located in southwestern Oregon, the Rogue Valley is a high-priority landscape for fire risk reduction and is home to 7 of the 30 most wildfire-threatened communities in Oregon.
Launched in 2023, the Rogue Valley I FRB is in partnership with Lomakatsi Restoration Project (Lomakatsi), a grassroots non-profit organization that for nearly 30 years has been a critical partner in building and implementing restoration initiatives throughout southern Oregon and northern California. The Rogue Valley I FRB supports the protection of over 79,000 acres on the Rogue River-Siskiyou National Forest and private lands around the communities of Jacksonville, Phoenix, Talent, Ruch, and southwest Medford. Blue Forest recognizes that the Rogue River watershed makes up ancestral, traditional, and contemporary homelands of Indigenous Peoples who have stewarded these lands since time immemorial. Project implementation is supported by Lomakatsi’s Tribal Youth Ecological Forestry Training Program, which helps develop Tribal workforce capacity to restore Indigenous homelands.
The Upper Applegate Watershed Restoration Project is a public lands project focused on the Rogue River-Siskiyou National Forest and prioritizes treatments that enhance wildlife habitat and reduce the risk of severe wildfire to the ecosystem and nearby communities. The West Bear All-Lands Restoration Project spans public and private land in the Wildland Urban Interface and focuses on community wildfire protection. The Rogue Valley I FRB supports the USDA Forest Service’s and Lomakatsi’s work to reduce fire risk to these ecosystems and nearby communities, enhance forest resilience, and protect the Applegate and Rogue River watersheds.
The Rogue Valley I FRB is the first FRB financed by Blue Forest’s FRB Catalyst Facility.
Key Rogue Valley I FRB outcomes
acre-feet of water supply protected
MT CO2e in avoided wildfire carbon emissions
MWh of hydropower protected