Conservation Finance
Eldorado National Forest

“It’s not a science problem, it’s a finance problem.”
Zach Knight, CEO and co-founder of Blue Forest
Millions of acres of forest are at immediate risk of
catastrophic wildfire.
Scientists and land managers know what to do to protect these landscapes – in many cases the plans and permits are already in place to do the work, but the up-front funding isn’t there to complete the work.
This is a finance problem. And it’s one Blue Forest can help solve.

Tahoe National Forest
Forest Resilience Bond (FRB)
Tahoe National Forest
The Forest Resilience Bond, or FRB, was developed in partnership with the World Resources Institute (WRI), the USDA Forest Service, and the National Forest Foundation (NFF).
Investment Vehicles
Blue Forest Asset Management (BFAM)
Blue Forest Asset Management, or BFAM, connects investors to a broader set of mission-aligned investment opportunities beyond FRB projects.
Certain information contained herein, in connection with the Forest Resilience Bonds and related projects and Blue Forest Asset Management concerning economic trends and performance is based on or derived from information provided by independent third-party sources. Blue Forest believes that such information is accurate and that the sources from which it has been obtained are reliable. Blue Forest cannot guarantee the accuracy of such information, however, and has not independently verified the assumptions on which such information is based. Blue Forest does not undertake to update this information, which is subject to change. No information, heading, description, article, video, blog, podcast, social media post or other content produced or posted by Blue Forest on this website is directed to any investors or potential investors, and does not constitute an offer to sell — or a solicitation of an offer to buy — any securities, and may not be used or relied upon in evaluating the merits of any investment.
Under no circumstances should any information, heading, description, article, video, blog, podcast, social media post or other content produced, posted or linked by Blue Forest on this website — or on associated content distribution outlets — be construed as an offer soliciting the purchase or sale of any security or interest in any securities including any pooled investment vehicle sponsored, discussed, or mentioned by Blue Forest or its affiliates or personnel. Nor should it be construed as an offer to provide investment advisory services; an offer to invest in a Blue Forest-managed pooled investment vehicle will be made separately and only by means of the confidential offering documents of the specific pooled investment vehicles — which should be read in their entirety, and only to those who, among other requirements, meet certain qualifications under federal securities laws. Such investors, defined as accredited investors, qualified clients and/or qualified purchasers, are generally deemed capable (by themselves or with the assistance of their professional advisers) of evaluating the merits and risks of prospective investments and financial matters.