Implementation Partners

Rogue River-Siskiyou National Forest

Key to enacting the Forest Resilience Bond is our partnership with implementation partners – the organizations that perform the on-the-ground restoration work.

In the North Yuba River watershed, the National Forest Foundation is using the FRB to increase the pace and scale of the Yuba I and Yuba II projects to reduce wildfire risk and improve watershed resilience.

In the Rogue Valley, Lomakatsi Restoration Project has been restoring ecosystems and sustaining communities for over 27 years. They are instrumental in the Rogue Valley I FRB, restoring over 79,000 acres on the Rogue River-Siskiyou National Forest and adjacent lands. All the while providing workforce development and economic growth for the region.

On the Eldorado National Forest, the Upper Mokelumne River Watershed Authority is using the FRB model to advance efforts to reduce catastrophic wildfire risk in the Upper Mokelumne River watershed.

On the Okanogan-Wenatchee National Forest, Chelan County Natural Resources Department is leading implementation efforts alongside the Forest Service and local partners to reduce fire risk and safeguard the communities around Lake Wenatchee and Plain. Chelan County is the first county in the Pacific Northwest to leverage the Good Neighbor Authority to implement critical forest management practices on a National Forest.

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