The 2023 Blue Forest Team Retreat: A Recap
With that in mind, this month the team gathered at Whispertree Retreat in Boonville, CA for a week of reflection, connection, and visioning.
Written by: Kirsten Hodgson, Project Associate
As a remote-first organization with employees across the country, in-person interaction between Blue Forest staff-members is both rare and essential. Creating opportunities to connect with each other beyond the boundaries of our shared work helps us bond and better understand each other. With that in mind, this month the team gathered at Whispertree Pool Retreat in Boonville, CA for a week of reflection, connection, and visioning.

Nearing the end of a year of continued growth, this week was a perfect opportunity to reflect on the recent changes that have occurred at Blue Forest, including new staff, projects, and programs. We did so in sessions designed to encourage thoughtfulness, recognition, and dreaming in both small and large groups, bringing together diverse sides of our organization.

Another highlight of the retreat was a Traditional Ecological Knowledge workshop led by Diana Almendariz, a cultural practitioner of Maidu/Wintun and Hupa/Yurok descent. Diana, an expert in traditional plant use, cultural burning, and basket weaving, shared knowledge on the cultural uses and ecological significance of native plants before leading the Blue Forest team through a hands-on activity using tule to weave friendship bracelets.
Whispertree is a gorgeous property in the oak ecosystems of Mendocino County on the traditional land of the Tabahtea people, carefully stewarded by its current caretakers following regenerative principles. Blue Forest staff joined an eco-literacy tour to learn about the different ecosystems on the property, their natural history, and the restoration efforts that are underway.

We also engaged in a team-building survival exercise, bonded over book club, and partook in a competitive round of Blue Forest trivia, all designed to help us build deeper connections to each other and to the work we do to restore and protect Earth’s ecosystems.
Now back in our home offices, we are energized by the in-person connections we developed and the opportunity to continue to build Blue Forest together. As we continue to grow, we bring with us the spirit of togetherness and collaboration that characterizes Blue Forest always, but especially when we are able to spend some invaluable time together in person.